Managed account solutions to suit a range of investment objectives

Zenith's managed accounts deliver an efficient, scalable and powerful way for financial advisers to secure their clients' financial futures while growing their client base, seamlessly and with confidence. 

Find out why our managed account range is different

As one of the first multi-asset managed account providers in Australia, we’ve built a wealth of knowledge on the development and management of these investment structures. Learn more about the benefits a Zenith managed account can offer you in this short video.

Our managed account offering

At the heart of our managed account offering are our customised portfolios, which we build to suit a range of investment objectives, including those driven by responsible investment principles. We also offer a suite of public menu portfolios which are available on Australia's leading investment platforms.

Customised Managed Accounts

A tailored managed account built to meet the unique requirements of your business & its clients.

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Responsible Investment Portfolios

Diversified portfolios incorporating RI principles which seek to reduce exposure to harmful industries and increase exposure to funds with strong ESG incorporation.

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Dynamic ETF Portfolios

Low cost portfolios that incorporate a broad range of exposures using a proprietary dynamic asset allocation approach.

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Essentials Portfolios

Portfolios designed to provide exposure to a diversified range of quality active fund managers using a cost aware approach.

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Elite Blends Portfolios

Premium portfolios that invest in actively managed funds, leveraging our full capabilities in asset allocation, strategy selection and manager selection.

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Specialist Portfolios

Designed for the more cost conscious investor specifically tailored for Colonial First State platform users.

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Investment philosophy and beliefs

Our investment philosophy is driven by six fundamental beliefs.

  • Markets are inefficient and present opportunities to outperform.

  • Diversification leads to higher confidence of meeting objectives.

  • Medium-term risks, opportunities and thematics should be managed dynamically to achieve better outcomes.

  • Accept that markets are risky, but manage, allocate and monitor risk.

  • Research is key, adds value and permits evolution over time.

  • Be aware, prepared, patient; review, adjust and adopt according to objectives, beliefs and process.

These beliefs underpin our investment decisions and inform the process we employ to create and deliver our managed account portfolios.

Platform availability

You can find our managed account solutions on the following platforms.

Dynamic ETF

  1. AMP My North
  2. HUB24 Discover


  1. HUB24
  2. AMP My North
  3. BT Panorama
  4. Macquarie Wrap
  5. Expand Extra

Elite Blends

  1. HUB24
  2. Netwealth
  3. AMP My North
  4. BT Panorama
  5. Colonial First State


  1. HUB24
  2. Netwealth
  3. AMP My North
  4. BT Panorama
  5. Colonial First State
  6. Powerwrap
  7. Macquarie Wrap
  • Hear from our clients

    Our business has relied on Zenith’s insights for over a decade, but 18 months ago we took the step of utilising their managed account offering. It’s sharpened the execution of changes to our client portfolios from a timing perspective, and we can see that flowing through to return consistency already. The biggest impact to date, though, has been the efficiency in our back-office functions. Less document production, less time spent on things clients don’t value, and reduced risk of making implementation mistakes allows us to spend more time on clients, both new and existing. It really has been worth the effort to make this happen.

    Iain Rogers

    GM - Advisory Services, Henderson Matusch
  • Hear from our clients

    The move to a Zenith managed account just made sense for our business. Their investment philosophy aligned very closely with ours, which made the process of building bespoke portfolios tailored to meet the needs of our clients quite seamless. The efficiencies created by the managed account structure have been very pronounced too. Portfolio monitoring and rebalancing is done by Zenith, as well as reporting and compliance, which has freed up time to work more closely with our clients to solve their challenges and determine the best path to achieve their financial goals - which is exactly why they've sought our support.

    Bill Beimers

    SEQ Advice

Why choose a Zenith Managed Account?

Our team has a depth of experience across all markets and a breadth of portfolio creation, management and execution capabilities that are second to none. 

We provide easy-to-use tools, client-friendly reporting, expert market insights and practical marketing guidance which help you effectively communicate with your clients.

We become a trusted partner, working to understand your client base so we can best support your needs while maximising operational efficiencies for your staff.

Our market-leading investment research informs our portfolios and ensures the most current market insights and data are powering your portfolios. 

Find out more

For more information about our managed account solutions, please submit an enquiry and one of our team members will be in touch with you shortly.