Access accurate, trusted and timely fund data

Gain instant access to FE fundinfo’s ISO-accredited database of fund information. Whether you are a fund manager, fintech provider or super fund, access to comprehensive and accurate fund data can be the key to unlocking operational efficiencies and distribution opportunities, while complying with current fund regulations and enriching the advisory process.​

Fund data customised to your needs​​

Breadth of data​

In Australia, the data comprises over 15,000 financial instruments across a large range of investment universes including managed funds, ASX securities, investment bonds, SMA’s, superannuation (including industry super funds) and retirement income.​

Seamless exchange​

We facilitate the seamless exchange of data and documents into your own systems so that your teams can easily access and leverage it anywhere, any time. ​​

Global coverage​

Covered markets include UK, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand for listed and unlisted funds, including mutual funds, managed funds, life and pension funds, superannuation funds, investment trusts, securities, investment bonds, and more.​

Quality data​

The universe of fund data is ISO-accredited with FE fundinfo Group holding ISO27001 (information security management), ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISAE 3402 (assurance report on controls at a service organisation) accreditations on selected scopes across the business.​

Unparalleled investment data 

Our data feeds are fully customisable by format, frequency, data fields, funds and instrument universe, delivery mechanism and more. Data output types include XML, JSON, CSV and XLSX.

Easy access to quality data, validated and enriched by FE fundinfo, enables users to achieve operational efficiencies and streamline data. Our data feed service empowers users to directly access quality, accurate and timely data and gives users the flexibility and control to define data sets fit for purpose.​

Various delivery options in industry standards including openfunds and FinDatEx are available to suit your business requirements and technical specifications, covering CSV format, batch files transferred over FTP, SFTP, email, and choice between a full file and delta files, as well as API*. ​

*Delivery options may vary depending on the data type. ​

FE fundinfo’s robust systems, stringent automated validation processes and dedicated QMS teams ensure your organisation is in safe hands. ​

We give you back time and resources to help you focus on your core business.​

Key regulatory data is accessible via the data feeds service to help fund managers and fund distributors meet evolving disclosure  requirements for regulations such as DDO and RG97.​

Find out more

To learn more or to book a demo, submit an enquiry and one of our team members will be in touch with you shortly.​​​​