It allows for the unrivalled creation of custom reports and charts which can easily be refreshed via the Microsoft Excel add-in, providing users with easy access to the latest fund data. It's simple to install and only requires access to Excel and the internet.
Request a demoBulk call thousands of instruments instantly from any list of identifiers including ISIN, SEDOL, Mex and other codes. The tool also permits a full suite of fact sheet fields to be refreshed in real time.
A deeper fund analysis is made possible as you can drill down to its underlying constituents for a comparative breakdown analysis. You can also perform rapid calculation of ratio statistics over multiple periods and much more.
Easy integration with other independent data sources and templates is made possible with FE Analytics FinXL, allowing you to populate existing reports with whole of market data.
FE fundinfo collects fund information direct from source and actively manages the global ingestion of more than 100,000 active funds, across 250,000 active share classes, and processes 1,000,000+ documents each month.
In Australia, the data comprises over 15,000 financial instruments across a large range of investment universes including managed funds, ASX securities, investment bonds, SMA’s, superannuation (including industry super funds) and retirement income.
To learn more or to book a demo of FE Analytics FinXL, submit an enquiry and one of our team members will be in touch with you shortly.