Defining and measuring how investment managers integrate responsible investment (RI) practices into their investment methodologies is complex. Many factors influence this assessment and individual managers place varying degrees of importance on each factor.

While it’s vital for managers to be able to measure and demonstrate the role of RI in their investment strategies, we believe it’s equally important that investors can accurately identify which strategies meet with their needs and align with their investment beliefs.

Responsible Investment Designation

The Responsible Investment categorisation identifies products that primarily pursue sustainability themes. The designation is based on Zenith’s assessment of a product’s aims. It doesn’t include products where responsible investment strategies rely only on ESG integration, engagement and limited exclusion policies. Mosaic users can search for products under the Responsible Investment categorisation in the filters section of the platform. Refer to our Responsible Investment Policy for more details.

Responsible Investment (RI) Classifications

Our robust fund classification system helps advisers and their clients understand the integration of a manager’s responsible investment themes into their processes, and the associated impacts on the final portfolio outcome. 

Our RI classification:

  • has five tiers which classify a fund’s RI approach according to the level of intensity applied to the process
  • is specifically designed as a fund classification tool rather than a way of showcasing different forms of RI implementation
  • recognises that not all funds have an RI objective, and that varying levels of intensity apply in addressing RI issues, and
  • acknowledges that RI is implemented differently across active and index-based investment strategies.

More detailed information about our RI framework is available here. If you’re a fund manager looking for more information about the RI rationale and process, this material will assist.

Our responsible investment framework is governed by our Responsible Investment Policy which is available to view

For more detailed information about our RI review process, classifications and implementation of the framework, please contact us via: [email protected]