Zenith has retained its status as the no. 1 research house in Peter Lee Associates annual evaluation of research houses by institutional investors. Peter Lee’s Relationship Strength Index score is an indicator of overall research capability, as rated by portfolio managers and heads of equities at institutional investors.

The 2024 survey results show Zenith with the lead position across four key metrics including most thorough research, most independent reports, most prepared when meeting with asset managers and most consistent approach. The business is also acknowledged for its low staff turnover.

Zenith Group Head of Research, Grant Kennaway, said that the acknowledgment was a testament to the quality and capability of the research team and their in-depth, rigorous research process.

“The depth of experience of our team, the ease at which they engage with rated managers, our research rigour and consistency of application of our process are factors that have consistently set us apart from other research providers. We’re so pleased to be acknowledged by the market in this way,” he said.

For more information about Peter Lee Associates’ research activities please go to www.peterleeassociates.com.au.